Home / UCI MTB World Championships Val di Sole 2021 / UCI MTB World Champs Val di Sole 2021 2 GG
Sport  |  Commezzadura (TN)  |  Loc. Daolasa  |  28/08/21 - 29/08/21

UCI MTB World Champs Val di Sole 2021 2 GG

UCI MTB World Championships

Location Daolasa - COMMEZZADURA - VAL DI SOLE (Trentino)

The Mountain Bike World Championships
“Val di Sole 2021”
25-29 august 2021 - COMMEZZADURA - VAL DI SOLE (Trentino)

UCI MTB World Championships Val di Sole 2021

(valid for Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 August)

Price: Euro 30,00 (+ Euro 3,00 for pre-booking service)
●    Racing ground, expo area and stands

All guests staying in a partner hotel may require the Val di Sole Guest Card at the cost of 2€ per person. With the Val di Sole Guest Card, you can use all the lifts to follow the Downhill competitions from a privileged point. For more information:

(valid for Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 August)

Price: Euro 200,00 (+ Euro 5,00 for pre-booking service)
●    Hospitality Area access with catering
●    Racing ground, expo area and stands
●    Reserved Hospitality stands
●    Cableway ticket

* Tickets required for events on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 August. 2-day tickets available. Free entry subject to availability on all other days. Free entry for children under 8 years of age.

*Spectators are required to respect the Italian legislation, the international dispositions, and the event’s Covid Protocol. For more information on the event’s Covid rules: www.valdisolebikeland.com

Entry ticket will be needed on Saturday August 28th and Sunday August 29th.

A EU COVID-10 CERTIFICATE / VACCINATION CERTIFICATE / PCR TEST or RAPID ANTIGENIC TEST is mandatory for everyone over the age of 12.
A negative Covid-19 swab test is not required for all children under age 12 to access the event.
For further information regarding the covid regulations

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Sport  |  Commezzadura (TN)  |  Loc. Daolasa  |  28/08/21 - 29/08/21
We are sorry, but you can not buy season tickets after the end of the first event.