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Concerti  |  Manerbio (BS)  |  Teatro Politeama Concerti  |  21/03/2025 from 21:00 to 23:00

Tickets Omaggio ai QUEEN - VIPERS

Teatro Politeama di Manerbio

Alla voce Beppe Maggioni

venerdì 21 marzo 2025 | ore 21.00
Omaggio ai QUEEN - VIPERS
Omaggio ai QUEEN - VIPERS
Preparatevi a vivere una serata leggendaria con i Queen by Vipers, la straordinaria cover band dedicata alla grandezza dei Queen. Rivivi la leggenda.
Una serata che ripercorre i brani leggendari della band britannica capitanata dalla mitica personalità di Freddie Mercury, utilizzando richiami scenografici e di costume e ponendo l’accento sulla spettacolarità e sulla forza musicale della band più popolare al mondo.
Da “Bohemian Rhapsody” a “We Will Rock You“, ogni nota sarà un’esplosione di energia e passione!
Grandi fans dei Queen, ecco come si definiscono Giuseppe Maggioni voce, Luca Rossi chitarra, Mitia Maccaferri basso e Roberto Previtali batteria, componenti della Vipers Queen Tribute Band. Attivi Dal 2002 con più di 2000 esibizioni live in tutta Italia ed Europa.

Beppe Maggioni, voce dei Vipers ha partecipato nel 2014 al programma televisivo THE VOICE OF ITALY, in onda in prima serata su RAI2, conquistando le semifinali del programma e classificandosi secondo per il Team Carrà.

I Vipers sono l'omaggio ai Queen più richiesto in Italia ma anche in Europa con più di 50 concerti all'anno in Francia, Olanda, Germania, Svizzera, Belgio, Spagna e Slovenia.
i Vipers vi regaleranno una serata da brividi, fatta di energia pura, musica impeccabile e un'atmosfera che vi farà sentire parte di un'esperienza leggendaria.

Non è un semplice tributo, è un vero spettacolo che vi lascerà senza parole!

Non lasciatevi sfuggire questa serata imperdibile. Preparatevi a vivere una notte di rock e magia con i Vipers!
Vipers Queen, La migliore Tribute Band Europea dei Queen!
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Cell. +39 337491947
Teatro Politeama Manerbio
Piazza Bianchi, 2
25025 Manerbio (BS)
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Purchase - Omaggio ai QUEEN - VIPERS
Concerti  |  Manerbio (BS)  |  Teatro Politeama Concerti  |  21/03/2025 from 21:00 to 23:00
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Maximum of 9 minutes to pay
Tickets purchases by credit card must be completed within a maximum of 9 minutes, if you exceed this limit, the seats are made free for purchases of other customers, however if you complete the purchase and the transaction in a longer time and the places selected are still free to will be reassigned. Unlike regular purchases of e-commerce, tickets managed in real time, for tax purposes, is must first complete the verification of the payment and then complete the actual issuance of admission tickets. To safeguard the availability of unsold seats is also necessary to limit the time blocking sites with current purchase (9 minutes in our case). If you do not complete the purchase in the 9 minutes may well be the case that the transaction is "authorized" (not "performed") but the seats are not assigned, in this case the customer will receive an email that warns you of this outcome. The customer will also receive an email from Keyclient that communicates that it has authorized the payment. The authorization does not represent the payment, the transaction on your card will not be performed and therefore no amount will be charged. For reasons not dependent on us, although not charged, the amount will remain unfortunately blocked for a short period, until the final removal of the transaction request. This delay is due to the normal time required for the operations related to credit cards.
Payment with Key Client
KeyClient online payment system by credit card used on liveticket. The information insert reference to the data of your credit card will be sent to KeyClient through a secure server that uses SSL 128-bit, the highest safety standards for the transfer of information sensitive through the Internet network. SSL is issued, guaranteed and certified by Verisign.Therefore, data relating to credit card are processed exclusively by KeyClient for the necessary checks to authorize the payment online. The operator Gostec (Liveticket) will not have access to the credit card data but manage only the owner information (name, surname, address ...) necessary to the management and delivery of the products.
Payment with PostFinance
Postfinance is an online payment system with credit card and Postfinance Card used on liveticket. Information relative to your credit card inserted in the context of the payment will be directly managed by Postfinance, with the highest level of security provided by PCI certification and 3D Secure. The operator Gostec (Liveticket) will not have access to the credit card data but manage only the owner information (name, surname, address ...) necessary to the management and delivery of the products.
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By using access codes and one time passwords, security is guaranteed by a special protocol (Secure Socket Layer), cryptographically protecting online communication. After the payment, the buyer will receive an email containing the outcome of the operation. It is always possible to check the status of the payment by in the "Pagamenti" section in the online bank service.