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Home / MERCATINI DI NATALE NAPOLI / Ingresso Mercatini di Natale Napoli Portici
Fiere / Varie  |  Napoli (NA)  |  Museo Naz. Ferrov.di Pietrarsa  |  05/12/2024 from 10:00 to 22:30

Tickets Ingresso Mercatini di Natale Napoli Portici

Mercatini di Natale - Portici Napoli
Tickets cannot be transferred to another date. Refunds are available only if requested at least five business days prior to the selected event date, with service fees deducted.
• On December 20, 2024, the markets will open at 5:00 PM and follow the regular closing time.
Children’s and Youth Admission
0–2 years: Free admission
3–12 years: Reduced ticket price
Admission for People with Disabilities
Free admission (with presentation of the European Disability Card).
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Fiere / Varie  |  Napoli (NA)  |  Museo Naz. Ferrov.di Pietrarsa  |  05/12/2024 from 10:00 to 22:30
We are sorry, but sales closed on 05/12/2024 at 18:00 o'clock.