Eventi teatrali | Riccione (RN) | Palazzo del turismo - teatro | 06/03/2025 from 21:00 to 23:30
06/03/2025 from 21:00 to 23:30 Riccione (RN) Palazzo del turismo - teatroTratto da una storia vera, la pièce è ambientata nel 1985 durante la scalata nelle Ande Peruviane, dove gli alpinisti Joe Simpson e Simon Yate restano vittime di un incidente durante la fase di discesa che provoca la caduta di Joe in un dirupo. Simon, per non rischiare di precipitare assieme al suo compagno, è costretto a tagliare la corda da arrampicata. La storia si ambienta tra passato e presente, tra passione, sensi di colpa, amicizia e resilienza, in un tempo e spazio che si fondono costantemente, ponendo il pubblico in un interrogativo costante: “cosa avremmo fatto al posto di Simon?”. Rappresentato per la prima volta in Italia, il testo del drammaturgo scozzese, recensito in maniera molto positiva dalla critica estera, pone alla base dell’opera il tema delle scelte, etiche e non, che circondano gli eventi. La straordinaria prova d’attore di Lodo Guenzi rappresenta un valore aggiunto alla rappresentazione, ponendo l’artista in una veste inedita in cui è difficile immaginarlo.
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Eventi teatrali | Riccione (RN) | Palazzo del turismo - teatro | 06/03/2025 from 21:00 to 23:30
Available seats are searchable through this form.
Before submitting the search request you can select desired kind of place and sector.
Once you find the seats you want, you can put them in the basket
and proceed with the purchase or booking online.
The tickets put in the basket will remain available for other
buyers until they have completed the registration process.
List of available seats
(click an item to put it into the cart)
You have no selected seats. Choose them on the map.
Total amount:
No fees
service fees
For this event you can buy digital tickets
Please, choose the document type and then fill in your code. You'll be able to use as admittance ticket
at entrance.
Informazioni sui tipi di consegna (only available in Italian)
Info on delivery "Email/SMS with QRCode to show at the entrance"
If this purchase refers to an event with a set date and time, it is mandatory to display the
codes/QRCodes* at the event entrance. If the event has an open date, please check for
the possibility to choose a date on liveticket, by inserting the season pass code* of
this season pass. If it is not possible to choose a date for this event, please verify the entry modality
described in the event page, and carry the code/QRCode with you while entering the event.
* Access codes and QRCodes will be on the documents attached the the purchase confirmation
e-mail, or can be downloaded by accessing your reserved area page. They must be shown on the screen
of a smartphone or analogous device, o printed on paper.
The event manager has the right to accept of deny refunds: verify the presence of information on the page of the event manager or of the event location.
Refund requests must be sent from the form in your reserved area. Requests will be vetted only when received 2 or more business days before the date of the event.
How do I choose the seats on the map?
Select the desired seats on the map.
Zoom using mouse wheel if on PC or pinching on your smartphone and then press on the seat you want to put into the cart.